USD $ 44,95 USD $ 44,95 44.95 USD
Good control of a telescopic lift truck during work is essential to prevent serious work accidents caused by this equipment. During this training, you will become aware of the types of inspection required, know the main components and particularities, understand the risks of use, apply the means of prevention, and know the safe operation.
USD $ 29,95 USD $ 29,95 29.95 USD
An online training activity designed to ensure the health and safety of all workers on a work site. In short, this training will enable end-users to improve their use of pallet trucks. More specifically, users will learn about the different components of pallet trucks, the legal framework governing their use, the types of inspections and safety rules, as well as the risks and preventive measures.
USD $ 34,95 USD $ 34,95 34.95 USD
Operating a forklift requires good control of the risks related to driving the vehicle, such as those related to handling loads or to the work environment. This is just as important for the operator as it is for those around him. This training covers fundamental principles for the safe and compliant operation of a forklift.
Available in Spanish
USD $ 29,95 USD $ 29,95 29.95 USD
Aerial work platforms provide a temporary workspace as an alternative to ladders or scaffolding. They can be used to perform inspections, maintenance, or repairs.
The vast majority of accidents related to aerial work platforms, approximately 90%, are caused by inappropriate behavior on the part of the operator. Through this online training, the operator will be informed of the safety rules and compliance with all prescribed operating procedures for the efficient and safe operation of a boom or a scissor lift platform.
USD $ 64,95 USD $ 64,95 64.95 USD
40% of accidents involving cranes and rigging involve a load loss, the consequences of which are often dramatic. Operators are required to ensure the operational integrity of their equipment, to control the various operating maneuvers and to apply the best rigging practices when lifting loads. This online training covers four subjects:
Hoisting equipment (overhead traveling crane)
Safe rigging
Rigging signals
USD $ 29,95 USD $ 29,95 29.95 USD
Rigging is a very important element of safety for the use of lifting equipment. Dangerous rigging can lead to instability or a drop of the load, which can lead to property damage or injury.

A properly rigged load is stable, safe, consistent with equipment capabilities, and minimally hazardous to personnel and equipment.
USD $ 29,95 USD $ 29,95 29.95 USD
Lifting devices are material handling equipment widely used in industrial sectors. Required for the transportation of heavy loads, they present multiple risks.

As part of this training, you will learn more about the important steps of load lifting, the roles and responsibilities of each worker involved in load handling, as well as the hazards that can compromise safety while handling a lifting equipment.

Note that in addition to this theoretical training, practical training is often necessary and even mandatory, as is the case in Quebec. Ask your employer or project manager for more information.
USD $ 29,95 USD $ 29,95 29.95 USD
Description :
Les appareils de levage sont des équipements de manutention très utilisés dans les secteurs industriels. Étant indispensables au transport des charges lourdes, ils présentent des risques multiples.

Dans le cadre de cette formation, vous en apprendrez davantage sur les étapes importantes du levage des charges, les rôles et responsabilités de chaque intervenant en manipulation de charges, ainsi que les dangers pouvant menacer la sécurité durant la manipulation des équipements de levage.

Notez qu’en complément à cette formation théorique, une formation pratique est souvent nécessaire et même obligatoire, comme c'est le cas au Québec. Renseignez-vous auprès de votre employeur ou chargé de projet.
USD $ 29,95 USD $ 29,95 29.95 USD
Often, a crane operator does not have a clear view of the load during a lift, so he must rely on a spotter, or signal person, to guide him. Safe lifting requires a reliable communication channel between the crane operator and the signal person. Even though radios can be used, hand signals are often the most reliable form of communication.