An educational capsule on hearing protection.

USD $ 0,00 0.0 USD USD $ 0,00

0,00 $


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Sprachen : English (US) oder French (CA) / Français (CA)
Dauer : 5 min.
Kategorie : Bildungsclips
EIGENTÜMER NAME: Alcumus SafeContractor (SIM)
This educational capsule is intended for any person or worker who needs to use hearing protection to protect themselves from the sounds emitted by certain devices or noisy work environments.
This FREE capsule is offered by Cognibox to make any person or worker aware of the importance of wearing a hearing protector to minimize serious impact on hearing health.
Educational capsule
  • Connexion Internet, haut-parleurs ou écouteurs pour ordinateur requis.
  • La durée de la formation est une indication générale et peut varier d'une personne à l'autre.
  • Propriétaire: Cognibox, SIM, Alcumus, SafeContractor