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Business risk analysis allows you to evaluate the probability and severity of risks, by using a process or a method to prioritize them. This free video capsule will present an overview of the subject.
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USD $ 0,00 0.0 USD
Risk management is the foundation of any workplace injury reduction strategy. While the responsibility for managing these risks is shared between the employer and workers, all are responsible for remaining vigilant. Employers and employees must work together to implement preventive measures and stop before performing any task that involves risk.
This capsule is a preview of the concepts covered in the Cognibox training on the safe task analysis approach. It covers topics such as the sharing of responsibilities, the methodological approach, and the pedagogical objectives of the training.
Clip not recognized as training
USD $ 24,95 USD $ 24,95 24.95 USD
In many sectors, workers may be required to work alone or in isolated workplaces. While it's not always dangerous to work in an isolated location, there are circumstances where performing tasks in isolated locations can present increased risks to the worker's health and safety.

During this training, you will learn more about jobs and activities at risk in isolated locations, how to identify sources of risk that need to be controlled, appropriate means of communication, and emergency procedures for staying safe.
USD $ 19,95 USD $ 19,95 19.95 USD
Using a scaffold to perform work at height exposes workers to several hazards, such as collapse or tipping of the scaffold. To avoid injuries or accidents, scaffolds must be erected in accordance with certain safety rules. This training covers the characteristics of the different types of scaffolding, the safety rules to follow, the steps for their assembly as well as the good practices to adopt.
USD $ 0,00 0.0 USD
Using a scaffolding to perform work at height exposes workers to several dangers.

This educational capsule addresses the different types of scaffolding, the safety rules to follow, and the good practices to adopt.
Clip not recognized as training
USD $ 29,95 USD $ 29,95 29.95 USD
Lifting devices are material handling equipment widely used in industrial sectors. Required for the transportation of heavy loads, they present multiple risks.

As part of this training, you will learn more about the creation of a lifting plan and the included items, the selection of lifting accessories and the correct attachment methods to use for the item to be lifted. In addition, you will discover the reasons for creating a critical lifting plan.

Note that in addition to this theoretical training, practical training is often necessary and even mandatory, as is the case in Quebec. Ask your employer or project manager for more information.
USD $ 24,95 USD $ 24,95 24.95 USD
Les fabricants ont des responsabilités relativement à l’appréciation et au contrôle du risque. Encourager la collaboration entre les utilisateurs et les fabricants est alors essentiel pour atteindre un objectif acceptable en matière de contrôle du risque.
Au cours de cette formation, vous pourrez prendre connaissance de toutes les étapes de l’appréciation du risque, apprendre à utiliser l’outil d’appréciation du risque et à établir une liste des phénomènes dangereux à évaluer.
USD $ 29,95 USD $ 29,95 29.95 USD
La sécurité des travailleurs qui œuvrent sur les machines industrielles est un enjeu majeur pour les entreprises qui utilisent ce type d’équipement. La prévention des accidents est un élément clé pour protéger la santé et la sécurité des travailleurs.
Au cours de cette formation, vous pourrez prendre connaissance des statistiques en lien avec les accidents, des phénomènes dangereux liés à l’opération des machines et des types de blessures liées aux phénomènes dangereux.
USD $ 44,95 USD $ 44,95 44.95 USD
Good control of a telescopic lift truck during work is essential to prevent serious work accidents caused by this equipment. During this training, you will become aware of the types of inspection required, know the main components and particularities, understand the risks of use, apply the means of prevention, and know the safe operation.
USD $ 0,00 0.0 USD
An educational capsule on telescopic lift trucks.
Clip not recognized as training
USD $ 29,95 USD $ 29,95 29.95 USD
The human body has a usual internal temperature of 37⁰C or 98⁰F. Since the body reacts when its internal temperature varies (thermal discomfort, heat stress), it is important to know the causes and prevent them.
USD $ 34,95 USD $ 34,95 34.95 USD
The transportation of dangerous goods (TDG) requires special precautions depending on the type and characteristics of the materials transported. This training covers the main elements of the regulations in place to control their handling and transportation.
USD $ 0,00 0.0 USD
When an accident occurs with a vehicle transporting hazardous materials, the consequences can be serious for the people involved and the environment.
In this capsule, we will give you an overview of the regulations and classification of hazardous products, the usefulness of schedules, the transport containers, and the placards to affix to them, as well as the important documents to complete.
Clip not recognized as training
USD $ 34,95 USD $ 34,95 34.95 USD
El Sistema de Información sobre Materiales Peligrosos en el Lugar de Trabajo (WHMIS) es un sistema integral para proporcionar información sobre el uso seguro de materiales peligrosos en los lugares de trabajo canadienses, a través de etiquetas, fichas de seguridad (FDS), educación de los trabajadores y programas de formación. Este curso de formación le permitirá conocer mejor este sistema y sus aplicaciones.
Disponible en español
USD $ 0,00 0.0 USD
Dozens of accidents and illnesses linked to hazardous materials could be avoided every year.
In this educational capsule, you'll learn more about what WHMIS is, including hazardous product classification, labelling and product safety data sheets.
Clip not recognized as training
USD $ 34,95 USD $ 34,95 34.95 USD
Fire extinguishers are first response tool allowing to act on incipient fire. The source of a fire may vary, and using the wrong extinguisher type can not only be ineffective, but can, in some cases, aggravate a situation. This training covers the fire extinguisher types, and explains how to use them and maintain their good condition.
USD $ 31,00 USD $ 31,00 31.0 USD
The sounds emitted by certain equipment or the noise level of certain work environments could have a serious impact on workers' hearing if they are not adequately protected. When ambient noise cannot be reduced to a safe level with source mitigation measures, the use of hearing protectors becomes necessary. This training will allow you to learn more about the hearing protection equipment available and their proper use.
United Kingdom
USD $ 14,50 USD $ 14,50 14.5 USD
This training is specific to the employer and worker who apply a risk assessment at work. You will see how to interpret the law and terminology of a risk assessment, recognize: what a risk assessment is, how to identify the hazard and who is at risk and evaluate the risk, control and understand how to complete a risk assessment.
United Kingdom