This course presents the different operations of the Carbon North Area and the applicable safety measures.

USD $ 12.95 12.950000000000001 USD USD $ 12.95

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  • Owner name

This combination does not exist.

Languages : English (US)
Duration : 30 min.
Owner name: Rio Tinto BC Works- Atlantic Operations- Aluminium
All contractor employees accessing the Carbon North Area.
<ul> <li>Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:</li> <li>Identify the key areas within the Carbon North area</li> <li>Describe the critical risks and the corresponding control measures in the Carbon North area</li> <li>Explain the processes followed at the Anode Baking Furnace (ABF), Fume Treatment Centre (FTC), Anode Rodding Shop (ARS), Bath Treatment (BT) and Carbon Recycling areasList the rules followed at the ABF, FTC and ARS areasIdentify the ABF and ARS area-specific personal protective equipment (PPE)</li> </ul>
Self-directed online learning.

Internet connection, computer speakers or headphones required. The duration of the training is a general indication and may vary from one person to another.

Built-in exam (Passing Grade : 100 %)