Présentation e-learning des exigences en santé, sécurité et environnement applicables aux entrepreneurs effectuant des travaux sur le site de Cepsa. Cette formation est obligatoire pour avoir accès au site de Cepsa.

USD $ 0,00 0.0 USD USD $ 0,00

0,00 $


Deze combinatie bestaat niet.

Languages : English (US) of French (CA) / Français (CA)
Talen : 30 min.
NAAM EIGNEAAR: Cepsa Chimie Bécancour
All contractors having to work or access the CEPSA site
<ul> <li>Know the rules and policies regarding health and safety</li> <li>Familiarize yourself with the health and safety practices at our site. Know what to do in case of an emergency</li> </ul>
Interactive online self-training

Internet connection, computer speakers or headphones required. The duration of the training is a general indication and may vary from one person to another.

Built-in exam (Passing Grade : 100 %)