Airways are threatened when the air contains pollutant particles in the form of dust, gas, smoke or biological contaminants or when the environment lacks oxygen. Through this online training, the worker will understand the importance of using respiratory protection to preserve the respiratory tract and overall health.

USD $ 34,95 34.95 USD USD $ 34,95

34,95 $


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Línguas : English (US) OU French (CA) / Français (CA)
Duration : 60 min.
Categoria : Ambiente/higiene
NOME DO PROPRIETÁRIO: Alcumus SafeContractor (SIM)
This training is intended for employees and workers who must perform tasks in environments where air contaminants are present.
• To explain the difference between an air-cleaning and air-supplying respiratory protective equipment (RPE) • To list three things to consider when selecting a RPE • To know the responsibilities of the RPE user and the supervisor • To describe the requirements for fit testing, leak testing, maintenance, cleaning and storage of a RPE
Online learning (e-learning)

• Internet connection, speakers or computer headset required. • Training duration is a general guideline and may vary from person to person. • Owner: Cognibox, SIM, Alcumus, SafeContractor

Built-in exam (Passing Grade : 80 %)