Lifting devices are very much used in industrial sectors. Critical to the handling of heavy loads, they present multiple risks.

This educational capsule introduces you to the several types of lifting devices and the risks and hazards related to their use. It describes the different people who make up the load handling team as well as the good practices to adopt.

USD $ 0.00 0.0 USD USD $ 0.00

0.00 $

  • Owner name

This combination does not exist.

Languages : French (CA) / Français (CA)
Duration : 5 min.
Category : Educational Clips
Owner name: Alcumus SafeContractor (SIM)
This educational capsule is intended for all workers using or exposed to lifting devices as part of their duties.
This FREE capsule is offered by Cognibox to raise awareness among workers on the use of lifting devices.
Educational capsule
  • Connexion Internet, haut-parleurs ou écouteurs pour ordinateur requis.
  • La durée de la formation est une indication générale et peut varier d'une personne à l'autre.
  • Propriétaire: Cognibox, SIM, Alcumus, SafeContractor