In the era of rapid communication and the extensive and widespread use of technology, we can easily lose the essence of messages. Communication is an art, and mastering it takes practice and patience.

This educational capsule looks at the different aspects of communication, including key concepts for mastering communication skills, as well as techniques for applying them to various professional situations.

USD $ 0.00 0.0 USD USD $ 0.00

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  • Owner name

This combination does not exist.

Languages : English (US) Or French (CA) / Français (CA)
Duration : 5 min.
Category : Educational Clips
Owner name: Alcumus SafeContractor (SIM)
This educational capsule is aimed at anyone who evolves in relationships with other human beings. More specifically, managers responsible for teams will find a host of tips and tricks to facilitate interactions at work.
This FREE capsule is offered by Cognibox to raise awareness among users of communication in the workplace.
Educational capsule
  • Connexion Internet, haut-parleurs ou écouteurs pour ordinateur requis.
  • The duration of the training is a general indication and may vary from one person to another.
  • Propriétaire: Cognibox, SIM, Alcumus, SafeContractor