Accident investigation and analysis is not about finding a culprit. In this prevention activity, you will be able to determine how and, more importantly, why the accident occurred. Investing in this activity will prevent history from repeating itself. It allows the company to have better control over the risks. In the end, everyone wins!

USD $ 29,95 29.95 USD USD $ 29,95

29,95 $


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Línguas : English (US) OU French (CA) / Français (CA)
Duration : 45 min.
Categoria : Prevenção de riscos
NOME DO PROPRIETÁRIO: Alcumus SafeContractor (SIM)
Managers, supervisors, HR, OHS committee members
• We will answer several questions during the training: • How to distinguish between types of causes? • What are the types of solutions to correct the causes of the injury? • Who should be involved in the activity? • How to use the report at the end of this activity?

We will answer several questions during the training: When to investigate and analyze? How do we distinguish between types of cases? What are the types of solutions to correct the causes of the injury? Who should be involved in the activity? How do you use the report at the end of this activity?

Online learning (e-learning)

• Internet connection, speakers or computer headset required. • Training duration is a general guideline and may vary from person to person. • Owner: Cognibox, SIM, Alcumus, SafeContractor

Built-in exam (Passing Grade : 80 %)