Risk management is the foundation of any workplace injury reduction strategy. While the responsibility for managing these risks is shared between the employer and workers, all are responsible for remaining vigilant. Employers and employees must work together to implement preventive measures and stop before performing any task that involves risk.
This capsule is a preview of the concepts covered in the Cognibox training on the safe task analysis approach. It covers topics such as the sharing of responsibilities, the methodological approach, and the pedagogical objectives of the training.

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Línguas : English (US) OU French (CA) / Français (CA)
Duration : 5 min.
Categoria : Clips educativos
NOME DO PROPRIETÁRIO: Alcumus SafeContractor (SIM)
This training is intended for organizations where employees and workers must perform tasks involving risks and who wish to adopt a systematic culture of prevention of work-related accidents in general.
This FREE capsule is offered by Cognibox to create awareness among workers and companies of the importance of safe task analysis in their workplace, to minimize the risk of incidents.
Educational capsule
  • Connexion Internet, haut-parleurs ou écouteurs pour ordinateur requis.
  • La durée de la formation est une indication générale et peut varier d'une personne à l'autre.
  • Propriétaire: Cognibox, SIM, Alcumus, SafeContractor