Workplace accidents among young workers in Canada are a major concern. All employers must ensure that every young worker undergoes an induction program or occupational health and safety training, before starting any job.

During this training, you'll learn about the risks and workplace rules that affect young workers; the issues surrounding generation gaps, adapted tasks and their different rights; and the important elements of an induction program and good communication.

USD $ 24,95 24.95 USD USD $ 24,95

24,95 $


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Línguas : English (US) OU French (CA) / Français (CA)
Duration : 30 min.
Categoria : Canada, Human Resources
NOME DO PROPRIETÁRIO: Alcumus SafeContractor (SIM)
This course is aimed at all employers and all young workers.
1. Understand young workers and the issues related to the generation gap, adapted tasks and their rights. 2. Know the rules and workplace risks that affect young workers. 3. Recognize the important elements of an induction program and good communication.
Online learning (e-learning)

  Internet connection, computer speakers or headphones required. The duration of the training is a general indication and may vary from one person to another.

Built-in Exam (Passing Grade : 80 %)