This training course covers CAE’s contractor management program as well as the health and safety rules that must be followed by contractors.

USD $ 0.00 0.0 USD USD $ 0.00

0.00 $

  • Owner name

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Languages : English (US) Or French (CA) / Français (CA) Or German / Deutsch Or Spanish / Español
Duration : 60 min.
Owner name: CAE
This training is for all contractors who need access to CAE sites.
Learn more about CAE's health and safety requirements and contractor management program. <br><br> <p>Requirements of the program including, amongst others:</p><ul> <li>Health and safety rules</li> <li>Permit to work process</li> <li>Documentation required</li> </ul>
Interactive online self-training

Internet connection, computer speakers or headphones required. The duration of the training is a general indication and may vary from one person to another.

Built-in exam (Passing Grade : 80 %)