Resilience is a learnt skill which can be applied immediately to better manage reactions to crisis situations; as well as it can be cultivated over the long term for a healthier, more robust approach to the demands of daily living.

This 60 minute e-learning program provides key learnings powered by self-assessments to allow for an immersive and meaningful development of practical resilience skills. Participants learn to apply strategies to build short, medium and long-term resilience building skills.

USD $ 29.95 29.95 USD USD $ 29.95

29.95 $

  • Owner name

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Languages : English (US) Or French (CA) / Français (CA)
Duration : 60 min.
Category : OHS, Human Resources
Owner name: Telus Health
• Understand what is resilience • Leverage feedback from multiple self-assessment surveys to understand their current resilience levels, mental state and locus of control • Apply quick strategies to immediately boost resilience • Apply strategies which require a bit more effort, for a strong foundation in resilience • Incorporate and practice habits to cultivate long term resilience
Self-directed online learning.

Connexion Internet, haut-parleurs ou écouteurs pour ordinateur requis. La durée de la formation est une indication générale et peut varier d'une personne à l'autre.