E-learning presentation of the health, safety and environmental requirements applicable to contractors performing work on the sites of Kidd Operations.
This training is mandatory to have access to the site of Kidd Operations.

USD $ 0.00 0.0 USD USD $ 0.00

0.00 $

  • Owner name

This combination does not exist.

Languages : English (US)
Duration : 45 min.
Owner name: Kidd Operations
All contractor employees accessing the site of Kidd Operations.
<ul> <li>Ensure that all contractors are well aware of the applicable requirements</li> <li>At the end of this training, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge of: Mandatory underground personal protective equipment, underground tag boards, the use of the shift system, pedestrian safety, types of barricades, the stench gas system and the refuge stations procedures, hazardous ground conditions, hazards related to blasting, hazards associated with fiber, safe scaling, ventilation system, signs and symptoms of heat stress and the emergency response plan according to specific type of emergency</li> </ul>
Self-directed online learning.

Internet connection, computer speakers or headphones required. The duration of the training is a general indication and may vary from one person to another.

Built-in exam (Passing Grade : 80 %)